MOESC Board Meeting

Mid-Ohio ESC , 890 West Fourth Street, Mansfield OH, 44906
Wednesday, November 17, 2021 - 12:00pm - 1:00pm

    1. Call to Order

    President Prater will call the November meeting to order.

    1.1 Roll Call

    Treasurer Earnest will call the roll.

    1.2 Pledge of Allegiance

    President Prater will lead the Pledge of Allegiance.

    1.3 Moment of Personal Reflection

    2. Recognition of Guest(s)

    Lynn Meister, Director of Teaching and Learning

    Jacqueline Robbeloth, Literacy Consultant 

    Allison Schleichert, Mathematics & Gifted Consultant

    Lisa Walter, Literacy Consultant 

    Lisa Cook, CLSD Grant Director 

    Bill McFarland 

    3. Presentation

    Lynn Meister, Director of Teaching and Learning

    4. Approval of Minutes

    The President will call for corrections and a motion to approve the October 20, 2021 Regular Meeting minutes.

    5. Approval of Adjustments/Adoption of the Agenda

    6. Reports

    6.1 Superintendent

    6.2 Board Members

    6.3 Executive Director of Business & Innovation, Steve Earnest

    6.4 Executive Director of Achievement & Leadership, Dr. Mark Burke

    6.5 Director of Teaching & Learning, Lynn Meister

    No written report this month due to the presentation at the Board meeting. 

    6.6 Director of Student Services, Jennifer Crum

    7. Financial Report

    A.  October 2021 Financial Report (attachment)

    B.  New Fund(Budget and Revenue):  590-9227   OTES 2.0/OPES 2.0 Bridge Trainings      $12,254.90

    8. Superintendent Recommendations - Operational Action

    8.1 Agreement for Service - Willard City Schools (attachment)

    That the Board approve the agreement between Mid-Ohio ESC and Willard City Schools to provide one CPI Refresher training, on November 11, 2021. 

    8.2 Agreement for Service - Highland Local Schools (attachment)

    That the Board approve the agreement between Highland Local Schools and Mid-Ohio ESC to provide Registered Behavior Technician Supervision for qualifying RBT's during the 2021-2022 school year. 

    8.3 Agreement for Service - Northmor Local Schools (attachment)

    That the Board approve the agreement between Northmor Local Schools and Mid-Ohio ESC to provide Registered Behavior Technician Supervision for qualifying RBT's during the 2021-2022 school year. 

    8.4 Agreement for Service - Crestview Local Schools (attachment)

    That the Board approve the agreement between Crestview Local School District and Mid-Ohio ESC for Angela Fetter, BCaBA, to provide behavior consultation services, beginning November 1, 2021, and ending June 30, 2022.

    8.5 Agreement for Service (amended) - Danville Local Schools (attachment)

    That the Board approve the amended agreement between Danville Local Schools and Mid-Ohio ESC to provide vision services for the 2021-2022 school year. 

    8.6 Approval of Board Policies

    It is recommended that the Board approve the following Board policies:


    PO 7319 - Disposition of Surplus Property (Revised)

    8.7 Approval of Memorandum of Understanding

    That the Board approve the Memorandum of Understanding for Consortium Participation in American Rescue Plan Homeless Funds as outlined in the attached document. 

    8.8 Approval of Holidays

    That the Board approve the following days as holidays with the Mid-Ohio ESC offices being closed for business.

    November 25 & 26, 2021

    December 23 & 24, 30 & 31, 2021

    8.9 Purchased Services Agreements (attachments)

    That the Board approve the following Purchased Service agreements for the 2021-2022 school year.

    Casey Clark Photography - $390, to provide photography services on November 17, 2021. 

    Gina Smith - $55/hr. (amended from the 8/18/2021 agreement to reflect additional hours from 14 hours to not to exceed 30 hours), to provide Preschool Intervention Consultation Mentorship services. 

    Kalin Wilburn - $50/hr., (not to exceed 80 hours) to provide support to the Teaching & Learning Team. 

    8.10 Updated Substitute/Tutor List 2021-2022 (available for review)

    That the Board approve the updated Substitute Teacher/tutor List for the 2021-2022 school year.

    9. Superintendent Recommendations - Personnel Action

    9.1 Employment Contracts - Limited Teaching

    That the following personnel contracts be approved effective for the 2021-2022 contract year (*contingent upon client service agreement, administrative/fiscal agent agreements and/or on receipt of grant funds, proper certification/licensure and completed background checks).

    Stephanie Gunter, Intervention Specialist/Teacher of the Visually Impaired, 1 yr/ 112 days

    9.2 Amended Contracts

    That the Board approve the following amended contracts for the 2021-2022 school year.

    Cassandra Lowery, Teacher - Abraxas, from 220 days to 189 days (Limited Teaching) 

    9.3 Supplemental Contracts

    The the Board approve the following supplemental contracts for the 2021-2022 school year:

    Dusty Au, per diem - Administrative Assistant, additional workdays (timesheet) on an as needed basis, as authorized by the administration. 

    Leah Barger, per diem - Gifted Education Consultant services on an as needed basis (leave coverage in Lexington), as authorized by the Director of Teaching & Learning.   

    Wendy Harvey, per diem - Administrative Assistant, additional workdays (timesheet) on an as needed basis, as authorized by administration. 

    Colleen Haynes, per diem - Gifted Education Consultant services on an as needed basis (leave coverage in Lexington), as authorized by the Director of Teaching & Learning.   

    Sherri Richter, $500 per mentee - Resident Educator Mentoring (Amended Supplemental for up to 3 RESA teachers at Ashland Christian)

    10. Discussion

    10.1 Set Date for January 2022 Organizational Meeting and Regular Board Meeting

    11. Adjournment

