MOESC Annual Records Commission Meeting

1. Call to Order

President will call the annual records commission meeting to order.

1.1 Roll Call

Treasurer Miller will call the roll.

Committee Members:

Doug Theaker, Board President

Kevin Kimmel, Superintendent

Brenda Miller, Treasurer


Bill McFarland, Board Vice President 


William McFarland, Board Vice President   
Mr. William Hope, Board Member   
Linda Schumacher, Board Member   
Brad Geissman, Board Member   
Mrs. Glenna Plotts, Board Member   
Mr. Kyle Swigart, Board Member   
Doug Theaker, Board PresidentX  

2. Discussion

2.1 Records Commission Purpose

That the records commission review the purpose (roles and responsibilities) of the records commission.

2.2 Review Policy & Administrative Guidelines

To review Records Retention Policy & Administrative Guidelines.

3. Disposal Request

That the records commission review any request for the disposal of records.


Kevin Kimmel motioned to accept the request for disposal (RC-3 form), seconded by Doug Theaker.

Result: Approved

4. Adjournment

Time:  ______


President Theaker declared the meeting adjourned at 11:45a.m.

Result: Approved