MOESC Regular Board Meeting

1. Call to Order

President Theaker will call the June 26, 2024 meeting to order.

1.1 Roll Call

Treasurer Earnest will call the roll.

1.2 Pledge of Allegiance

President Theaker will lead the Pledge of Allegiance.

1.3 Moment of Personal Reflection

2. Recognition of Guest(s)

Jennifer Crum, Director of Student Services 

Deb Fraley, Speech & Language Pathologist 

3. Board of Governors Commendation

4. Approval of Minutes

The President will call for corrections and a motion to approve the May 15, 2024 Regular Meeting minutes.

5. Approval of Adjustments/Adoptions of the Agenda

6. Reports

6.1 Superintendent

6.2 Board Members

6.3 Executive Director of Business & Innovation, Steve Earnest

Please see attached written report.

6.4 Executive Director of Achievement & Leadership, Dr. Mark Burke

Please see attached written report.

6.5 Director of Literacy, Carrie Wood

Please see attached written report.

6.6 Director of Student Services, Jennifer Crum

6.7 Director of Grants & Special Projects, Amy Wood

6.8 Director of Human Resources, Jennifer Reed

6.9 Director of Leadership and Learning, Amber Clay-Mowry

Please see attached written report.

7. Financial Report

A. May 2024 Financial Report (attachment)

B. FY'24 New Fund:  001-9224   Summer Autism Program ,   Budget/Revenue - $18,400

C. FY'25 Temporary Appropriations:

      General Fund - $10,000,000.00

      Other Funds - 100% of Fy'24 carryover balances and all new funds

D. Transfer: From General Fund (001-9000)  To: Facilities Maintenance Fund (001-9708)  $245,000.00


8. Superintendent Recommendations - Operational Action

8.1 Agreement for Service - District Service Contracts (attachments)

That the Board approve the following district service contracts with Mid-Ohio ESC for FY'25

Colonel Crawford Local School District

Crestview Local School District

Galion City School District

Lucas Local School District

Mt Gilead Exempted Village School District

Northmor Local School District

8.2 Mid-Ohio ESC Service Cost Rates (attachments)

That the Board approve the updated service costs rates and unit pricing for FY25. 

8.3 Agreement for Service - Bucyrus City Schools (attachment)

That the Board approve the agreement between Bucyrus City Schools and Mid-Ohio ESC, to provide Mental Health and Wellness Medium Support Services, by Lisa Riegel, Akron Children's Hospital/Mid-Ohio ESC Regional School Support Coordinator, effective beginning June 3, 2024, and ending June 30, 2024.

8.4 Agreement for Service - Bucyrus City Schools (attachment)

That the Board approve the agreements between Bucyrus City Schools, and Mid-Ohio ESC, to Autism Summer School Services, effective beginning May 17, 2024, and ending June 30, 2024.

8.5 Agreement for Service - Bucyrus City Schools (attachment)

That the Board approve the agreement between Bucyrus City Schools and Mid-Ohio ESC, to provide as needed ESY Speech Language and Occupational Therapy services, not to exceed 5 Days, effective beginning June 1, 2024, and ending August 15, 2024.

8.6 Agreement for Service - Crestline EVS Schools (attachment)

That the Board approve the agreements between Crestline Exempted Village Schools, and Mid-Ohio ESC, to Autism Summer School Services, effective beginning May 17, 2024, and ending June 30, 2024.

8.7 Agreement for Service - Crestview Local Schools (attachment)

That the Board approve the agreement between Crestview Local Schools and Mid-Ohio ESC, to provide as needed Speech and Language services, by Dea Artz, SLP, effective beginning June 14, 2024, and ending August 15, 2024.

8.8 Agreement for Service - FIRST (attachment)

That the Board approve the agreement between FIRST (Foundations for Living) and Mid-Ohio ESC to provide educational services, effective July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025.

8.9 Agreement for Service - FIRST (attachment)

That the Board approve the Business Associate Agreement between FIRST (Foundations for Living) and Mid-Ohio ESC, effective July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025.

8.10 Agreement for Service - Galion City Schools (attachment)

That the Board approve the agreement between Galion City Schools and Mid-Ohio ESC, to provide as needed Homebound ESY Occupational Therapy, Assistant Physical Therapy, and Intervention services, effective beginning June 1, 2024, and ending August 15, 2024.

8.11 Agreement for Service - Hillsdale Local Schools (attachment)

That the Board approve the agreement between Hillsdale Local Schools and Mid-Ohio ESC to provide Leadership & Learning (L&L) services, .93 Units, effective beginning January 1, 2024, and ending June 30, 2024.

8.12 Agreement for Service - Lexington Local schools (attachment)

That the Board approve the agreements between Lexington Local Schools and Mid-Ohio ESC, to Autism Summer School Services, effective beginning May 17, 2024, and ending June 30, 2024.

8.13 Interagency Agreement - Madison Local Schools (attachment)

That the Board approve the modified Title 1D – Neglected Part D, Interagency Agreement between Mid-Ohio ESC and Foundations for Living (located in Madison Local School district). The agreement has been updated and revised to reflect The One Needs Assessment and Plan term, FY25 – July 1, 2024 through FY27 - June 30, 2027.

8.14 Agreement for Service - Mansfield City Schools (attachment)

That the Board approve the agreement between Mansfield City Schools and Mid-Ohio ESC, to provide as needed Orientation & Mobility services, by Heather Geiser, O & M, effective beginning June 1, 2024, and ending August 15, 2024.

8.15 Agreement for Service - Mansfield City Schools (attachment)

That the Board approve the agreement between Mansfield City Schools and Mid-Ohio ESC, to provide Leadership & Learning services, beginning August 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025.

8.16 Agreement for Service - Mansfield City Schools (attachment)

That the Board approve the agreement between Mansfield City Schools and Mid-Ohio ESC to provide Safety Specialists for the 2024-2025 School Year.

8.17 Agreement for Service - Non-Public / Charter / Community Schools (attachments)

8.18 Agreement for Service - Ashland County Community Academy (attachment)

That the Board approve the agreement between Ashland County Community Academy and Mid-Ohio ESC, to provide as needed School Psychology services, effective beginning July 1, 2024, and ending June 30, 2025.

8.19 Agreement for Service - Carey Exempted Village Schools (attachment)

That the Board approve the agreement between Carey Exempted Village Schools (Mansfield LEAP Program) and Mid-Ohio ESC, to provide Speech Language, Occupational, and Physical Therapy services, effective beginning March 25, 2024, and ending June 30, 2024.

8.20 Agreement for Service - Fredericktown Local Schools (attachment)

That the Board approve the agreement between Fredericktown Local Schools and Mid-Ohio ESC, to provide as needed Board Certified Behavior Analyst services, by Michaela Hermes, BCBA, effective beginning May 15, 2024, and ending August 15, 2024

8.21 Agreement for Service - Active Internet Technologies dba Finalsite (attachment)

That the Board approve the agreement between Active Internet Technologies, dba Finalsite, and Mid-Ohio ESC, effective July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2029.

8.22 Agreement for Service - E-Rate Advantage, LLC (attachment)

That the Board approve the professional services agreement between E-Rate Advantage, LLC and Mid-Ohio ESC, effective July 1, 2024.

8.23 Agreement for Service - Ohio Heartland Community Action Commission - Morrow County (attachment)

That the Board approve the Interagency Agreement and Memorandum of Understanding between Ohio Heartland Commission, Morrow County and Mid-Ohio ESC for the 2024-2025 program year.

8.24 Agreement for Service - Ohio Heartland Community Action Commission - Richland County (attachments)

That the Board approve the Interagency Agreement and Memorandum of Understanding between Ohio Heartland Commission, Richland County and Mid-Ohio ESC for the 2024-2025 program year.

8.25 Approval of Invoice Credit for Lexington Local schools (attachment)

That the Board approve a one-time credit for Lexington Local schools of $2,000.00 for Mid-Ohio ESC's use of the Lexington Preschool to host a summer autism program in June 2024.

8.26 Insurance Rate (attachments)

That the Board approve the FY24 insurance premium rates as recommended by Stark County Council of Governments (COG), effective July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025.

8.27 Liability & Property Insurance - SORSA (attachment)

That the Board approve the liability and property insurance with the SORSA (Schools of Ohio Risk Sharing Authority) effective as of July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025, total premium $26,241.

8.28 Governing Board Resolution to Establish Educational Requirements for Substitute Teachers for the 2024-2025 School Year. (attachment)

That the Board establishes educational requirements for substitute teachers for the 2024-2025 school year. 

8.29 Membership Level - Non-Public/Charter Schools (attachment)

That the Board approves the Mid-Ohio ECS membership level for non-public and charter schools for the 2024-2025 school year. 

8.30 Approval of Holidays

That the Board approve the following days as holidays with the Mid-Ohio ESC offices being closed for business.

July 4-5, 2024 (in observation of the 4th of July) 

8.31 Job Description (attachment)

That the Board approve the job description for Assistant Treasurer.

8.32 Authorize Attendance - Association of Educational Services Agencies (AESA) Annual Conference (attachment)

That the Board approve out of state travel for Dr. Mark Burke and Amber Clay-Mowry to attend the 2024 AESA Annual Conference, Strategic Partnerships are the Keys to Organizational Success on December 4-6, 2024, to be held in Orlando, Florida.

8.33 Authorize Attendance - MAASS Conference

That the Board approve out of state travel for Superintendent Kimmel to attend the annual Mid American Association of School Superintendents on September 18-20, 2024, to be held in Chicago.

8.34 Authorize Attendance - National Association of Charter School Authorizer (NACSA) Conference (attachment)

That the Board approve out of state travel for David Jones to attend the National Association of Charter School Authorizer (NACSA) Conference on October 21-24, 2024, to be held in Houston, Texas.

8.35 Purchased Services Agreement (attachments)

That the Board approve the following purchased service agreements.


GOAL Digital Academy, $40,000.00, To provide Industry Recognized Credential Coordination services as needed, SPARC After School II

GOAL Digital Academy, $88,000.00, To provide Psychology Services for FY23-24 school year

North Central State College, $10,000.00, To provide Industry Recognized Credential Coordination services as needed, SPARC After School II


GOAL Digital Academy, $94,000.00, To provide Psychology Services for the FY24-25 school year

Julian & Grube, $3,300.00/yr., To prepare GASB 34 financial statements for fiscal years, 2024, 2025 and 2026

9. Superintendent Recommendations - Personnel Action

9.1 Resignations (attachments)

That the Board approve the following resignations.

Jennifer Eganhouse, School Psychologist, Administrative, effective end of 2023 - 2024 contract year 

Heather Geiser, Orientation and Mobility Specialist, Limited Teaching, effective 8/16/2024

Courtney Kalman, Speech & Language Pathologist, Limited Teaching, effective end of 2023 - 2024 contract year 

Catherine Kiewel, School Psychologist, Administrative, effective end of 2023 - 2024 contract year 

9.2 Amended Contracts

That the Board approve the following amended contracts.

Deana Payne, Administrative Assistant - Abraxas to Officer Manager (Continuing Contract) (2024-2025)

Jill Weidner, Payroll Manager, 206 days to 208 days (Limited Non-Teaching) (2024-2025)

9.3 Employment Contracts

That the following personnel contracts be approved effective the 2024-2025 contract year (*contingent upon client service agreement, administrative/fiscal agent agreements and/or on the receipt of grant funds, proper certification/licensure and completed background checks.

Adriann Finkler, Educational Consultant (Read Ohio), Administrative, 1 yr / 190 days

Adrianna Foglesong, OTA, Limited Teaching, 1 yr / 184 days 

Aimee Ford, Title I Teacher (Mansfield Christian), Individual Service, 1 yr, $15.35 / hour, as needed timesheet 

Ashley Hoffer, OTA, Limited Teaching, 1 yr / 111 days

Connie Massaro, Educational Consultant, Administrative, 1 yr / 115 days 

William Roll, Teacher - Abraxas, Limited Teaching, 1 yr / 220 days 

Cheryl Williams, Intervention Specialist - Abraxas, Limited Teaching, 2 yr / 220 days *

9.4 Supplemental Contracts

That the Board approve the following supplemental contracts.


Dea Artz, per diem, Provide as needed Speech Language evaluation services, Extended School Year services

Kaitlin Bowman, FY24 per diem rate, Provide Summer Programming and Extended School Year services

Amanda Braen, FY24 per diem rate, Provide as needed homebound Physical Therapy Assistant services, Extended School Year services 

Madeline Collins, FY24 per diem rate, Provide Summer Programming and Extended School Year services

Jillian Earnest, FY24 per diem rate, Provide School Psychology services for ACCA, Extended School Year services 

Heather Geiser, per diem, Provide Orientation & Mobility services as needed for Summer of 2024

Michaela Hermes, FY24 per diem rate, Provide Summer Programming and Extended School Year services

Michaela Hermes, $2,100.00, Autism Summer School Lead, Provide FY24 Lead Summer Programming and Extended School Year services

Michaela Hermes, per diem, Provide Board Certified Behavior Analyst services for Extended School Year services

Kaycee Hess, per diem, Educational Aide (Plymouth-Shiloh), Extended School Year services, not to exceed 38 hours

Makayla Kuhlman, FY24 per diem rate, Provide Summer Programming and Extended School Year services

Leslee Liberadzki, per diem, Provide Speech Language services for Extended School Year services, not to exceed 5 days

Renee Neron, $718.72, Madison Administrative Stipend 

Julie Pfeifer, $6,700, Provide extended days for additional caseload assigned and approved by MOESC Administration 

Julia Pilla, per diem, Provide record review evaluations for ACCA, Extended School Year services

Julia Pilla, FY24 per diem rate, Provide School Psychology services to ACCA, Extended School Year services 

Jennifer Plante, FY24 per diem rate, Provide Summer Programming and Extended School Year services

Lauren Stacy, per diem, Provide Occupational Therapy services, Extended School Year services, not to exceed 5 days  

April Thompson, FY24 per diem rate, Provide Summer Programming and Extended School Year services

Michael Tighe, FY24 per diem rate, Provide as needed homebound Occupational Therapy services, Extended School Year services 


Julia Pilla, per diem, Provide Psychologist Services as needed 

10. Discussion

11. Board Initiated Business

11.1 Authorize Bonuses (attachment)

That the Board approve an administrative bonus per the attached document. 

12. Adjournment

Time: __________ p.m.