MOESC Organizational Meeting

Mid-Ohio ESC , 890 West Fourth Street, Mansfield OH, 44906
Wednesday, January 15 - 12:00pm - 12:15pm

    1. Call to Order

    President Pro Tempore Doug Theaker will call the 2025 Organizational Meeting to order.

    1.1 Roll Call

    Treasurer Miller will call the roll.

    1.2 Pledge of Allegiance

    President Pro Tempore will lead the Pledge of Allegiance.

    1.3 Moment of Personal Reflection

    2. Selection of President for 2025

    Nominations of President for 2025
    ____________________ placed the name of _________________ in nomination for President.
    ____________________ placed the name of _________________ in nomination for President.
    President Pro Tempore will declare the nominations closed.
    Motion by ______________, seconded by _____________ for ___________________ for President.

    3. Selection of Vice - President for 2025

    Nominations for Vice-President for 2025
    _____________ placed the name of ______________ in nomination for Vice-President.
    _____________ placed the name of ______________ in nomination for Vice-President.
    President Pro Tempore will declare the nominations closed.
    Motion by __________, seconded by ____________ for _____________ for Vice- President.

    4. Oath of Office for President and Vice-President

    Treasurer Miller will administer the Oath of Office to the new President and Vice-President.
    President for 2025 presides from this point forward.

    5. Appointments

    That the Board appoint the Board President, Superintendent and Treasurer to serve on Records Commission committee and to schedule its annual meeting on Wednesday, February 19, 2025 11:30 a.m. in the Mid-Ohio ESC Board Room. 

    6. Superintendent Recommendations:

    6.1 Approval of Regular Board Meeting Schedule (attached)

    That the Board approve the 2025 Regular Board Meeting Schedule as the third Wednesday of the month (except September) at 12:00 at the Mid-Ohio ESC and Special Meetings as needed.

    6.2 Establish Commission Service Fund

    The Service Fund is used for the payment of expenses for Board members to conduct Board Business. The Board Service is recommended to be established at a level permitted by O.R.C. 3315.15 ($20,000).

    6.3 GASB 34 Reporting Format

    That the Board authorizes the Treasurer to prepare cash basis GASB 34 look-alike statements for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2025.

    6.4 Annual Memberships

    That the Board approve the following annual memberships:

    OSBA (Ohio School Board Association)
    AESA (Association of Educational Service Agencies)
    OESCA (Ohio Educational Service Center Association)
    OACSA (Ohio Association of Charter School Authorizers)
    OSBA LAF (Ohio School Board Legal Assistance Fund)
    OEPI (Ohio Education Policy Institute)
    NACSA (National Association of Charter School Authorizer)
    Crawford County Family and Youth Council
    Richland County Family and Youth Council
    Crawford County Chamber of Commerce
    Richland County Area Chamber and Economic Development

    6.5 Legal Counsel

    That the Board approve the following law firms to be retained as legal counsel for Mid-Ohio Educational Service Center for the calendar year 2025.
    Agins & Gilman, LLC
    Bricker Graydon, LLP
    Dickinson Wright, PLLC
    McGown & Markling Co. LPA
    Pepple & Waggoner, LTD
    Renwick, Welsh & Burton, LLC
    Walter I Haverfield, LLP

    6.6 Board of Governors Annual Compensation

    That the Board establish the annual pay for meetings and mileage equal to maximum allowable compensation permitted by law.

    6.7 Purchasing Agent

    That the Board authorizes the Superintendent as the Purchasing Agent for Mid-Ohio ESC.

    6.8 Employment Offers

    That the Board authorizes the Superintendent, during periods when this Board is not in session, to make offers of employment directly to candidates, on behalf of this Board, and to acknowledge acceptance of such offers on behalf of this Board, subject to a subsequent vote of ratification by this Board; provided however that upon ratification by this Board, the employment shall be deemed effective as of the date and time of the employee's acceptance of the Superintendent's offer.
    Nothing in this resolution shall require the Board of Education to employ or continue to employ an individual who has not provided criminal records check satisfactory to the Board or who has not satisfied any other prerequisite to employment created by law or Board Policy.
    The authorization provided by the resolution shall remain in effect until withdrawn by formal action of this Board.

    6.9 Resignations

    That the Board authorizes the Superintendent, on behalf of this Board, to accept resignations which have been submitted by employees during times when this Board is not in session, subject to ratification by this Board; provided however, that upon ratification by this Board, such resignations shall be deemed effective as of the date and time of the Superintendent's acceptance.
    The authorization provided by this resolution shall remain in effect until withdrawn by formal action of this Board.

    6.10 Invest Interim and Inactive Funds

    That the Board authorizes the Treasurer to invest all interim (not to exceed $10 million) and inactive funds (not to exceed $5 million) at the cost productive rate, per Board policy, when funds are available.

    6.11 Payment of Bills

    That the Board authorize the Treasurer to pay all bills within the limits of the appropriation and funds are available as bills are received and when the merchandise has been received in good condition.

    6.12 Transfer of Funds

    That the Board authorizes the Treasurer to make transfers between and within funds when necessary and properly appropriated, to be approved at the next subsequent Board of Governors Meeting.

    6.13 Advertise for Bids

    That the Board authorizes the Treasurer to advertise for bids as specified by law.

    6.14 Compliance Officers

    That the Board appoints the Executive Director of Achievement & Leadership and Director Human Resources as Compliance Officers.

    6.15 Professional Meetings

    That the Board authorizes the Superintendent to approve employee attendance at in-state professional meetings, per Board policy, and in an amount not to exceed the limits in the Annual Appropriations.

    6.16 Public Records

    That the Board recommends that the Superintendent or Treasurer or a designee to attend the Public Records training on behalf of the Board.

    6.17 Federal Funds and Grants

    That the Board authorizes the Superintendent to apply for any funds or grants as appropriate and administer all federal programs in compliance with local, state and federal regulations.

    6.18 Contracts

    That the Board authorizes the Superintendent to enter into contracts with providers in amounts not to exceed $5,000 per contract.

    6.19 Mileage Reimbursement

    That the Board authorize the mileage reimbursement for all Mid-Ohio ESC employees to be established at the current Internal Revenue Service Rate.

    6.20 Official Newspaper

    That the Board approve the Mansfield News Journal as the official newspaper of general circulation for Mid-Ohio ESC.

    6.21 Equal Opportunity Compliance Officer

    That the Board appoint the Superintendent as the Equal Opportunity Compliance Officer. It is the responsibility of this officer to oversee that there is no discrimination when it comes to employment of staff for Mid-Ohio ESC and the opportunities are open to all.

    7. Adjournment

    Motion by ______________, seconded by_________________ to adjourn the Organizational Meeting.
