October 23, 2019 Regular Board Meeting

Mid -Ohio ESC, 890 W. Fourth Street, Mansfield, OH 44906
Wednesday, October 23, 2019 - 12:00pm

    1. Call to Order

    President Dixon will call the October meeting to order.

    1.1 Roll Call

    Treasurer Earnest will call the roll.

    1.2 Pledge of Allegiance

    President Dixon will lead the Pledge of Allegiance.

    2. Recognition of Guests

    Lynn Meister, Director of Teaching and Learning

    3. Presentation
    Lynn Meister, Director of Teaching and Learning

    4. Approval of Minutes

    The President will call for corrections and a motion to approve the September 25, 2019 Regular Meeting minutes.                                          

    5. Approval of Adjustments/Adoption of the Agenda

    6. Reports

    6.1 Superintendent

    Community School Update

    Student Wellness & Success

    Blue Sky Board Meeting Agenda Software

    6.2 Board Members

    6.3 Executive Director, Steve Earnest

    Please see the attached written report.

    6.4 Director of Teaching and Learning, Lynn Meister

    Please see the attached written report.

    6.5 Director of Student Services, Jennifer Crum

    7. Financial Report

    September 2019 Financial Report (attachment)

    2019-20 Permanent Appropriations (attachment)


    8. Superintendent Recommendations - Operational Action

    8.1 Agreement for Service - Crestline Exempted Village School (attachment)

    That the Board approve the agreement with Crestline Exempted Village School and Mid-Ohio ESC to provide an Initial Crisis Prevention and Intervention Training on Monday, November 4, 2019.

    8.2 Agreement for Service - Foundation Academy (attachment)

    That the Board approve the agreement between Foundation Academy and Mid-Ohio ESC to provide Physical Therapy services on an as-needed basis during the 2019-2020 school year.

    8.3 Agreement for Service - Galion City Schools (attachment)

    That the Board approve the agreement between Galion City Schools and Mid-Ohio ESC to provide the following services to Galion St. Joseph School for the 2019-2020 school year:

    • Speech and Language Pathology services provided by Angela Skinner
    • Physical Therapy services provided by Vincent Scaia
    • Occupational Therapy services provided by Virginia Utz

    8.4 Agreement for Service - Galion City Schools (attachment)

    That the Board approve the agreement between Galion City Schools and Mid-Ohio ESC to provide Media/Public Relations services during the 2019 - 2020 school year.

    8.5 Agreement for Service - Shelby Sacred Heart School (attachment)

    That the Board approve the agreement between Shelby Sacred Heart School and Mid-Ohio ESC to provide Title I teacher services on an as-needed basis for the 2019-2020 school year.

    8.6 Agreement for Service - Shelby St. Mary's School (attachment)

    That the Board approve the agreement with Shelby St. Mary's School and Mid-Ohio ESC to provide occupational therapy assistant services during the 2019 - 2020 school year.

    8.7 Agreement with Renhill Group (attachment)

    That the Board approve the addendum to the Client Services Agreement with Renhill to provide employment services effective August 1, 2019 - July 30, 2020.

    8.8 SOCS (Simplified Online Communications System) (attachment)

    That the Board approve the License and Service Agreement between Mid-Ohio ESC and SOCS to provide website design and website hosting from October 14, 2019 through October 13, 2020.

    8.9 Purchased Service Agreements (attachments)
    1. JPB Professional Marketing $696 per month to provide digital and social media marketing services effective August 21, 2019 through October 31, 2019.
    2. JPB Professional Marketing $1,276 per month to provide digital, social media and press release marketing services effective November 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020.

    8.10 8.10 Updated Substitute/Tutor List 2019-2020

    That the Board approve the updated substitute teacher/tutor list for the 2019-2020 school year.

    9. Superintendent Recommendations - Personnel Action

    9.1 Employment Contracts

    That the following personnel contracts be approved effective with the 2019-2020 contract year (*contingent upon client service agreement, administrative/fiscal agent agreements and/or on receipt of grant funds, proper certification/licensure and completed background checks).

    One Year - Individual Service:

    1. Kaitlyn Geiger, Media Specialist (20 hrs/wk)
    2. Leslie Newland, Occupational Therapy Assistant (31 days)
    3. Lindsey Schonauer-Howald, Parent Mentor (not to exceed 800 hrs/school year)
    4. Katrina Studer, Title 1 Teacher (23 hrs/wk)
    5. Cindy Wrobleski, Parent Mentor (not to exceed 800 hrs/school year)

    9.2 Supplemental Contracts

    That the Board approve the following supplemental contract(s):

    1. Lisa Cook - $2,500 - Striving Readers Grant for the 2019-2020 school year.
    2. Sherri Richter - $2,500 - Striving Readers Grant for the 2019-2020 school year.
    3. Carrie Wood - $2,500 - Striving Readers Grant for the 2019-2020 school year. 

    10. Discussion

    10.1 It is recommended that the Board review the following policies:


    0100 Definitions (Revised)


    1310 Employment of the Treasurer (Revised)

    1340 Non-Reemployment of the Treasurer (Revised)


    2450 Adult and Community Education (New)


    5200 Attendance (Revised)

    5350 Student Mental Health and Suicide Program (Revised)


    7300 Disposition of Real Property / Personal Property (Revised)

    7440.03 Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (New)


    8400 School Safety (Revised)

    8462 Student Abuse and Neglect (Revised)

    10.2 Franklin B. Walter - March 10, 2020



    11. Adjournment
